Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What I Learned

Tonight I had the chance to go to see the Columbus BlueJackets game which was a lot of fun. They had a meeting for counselors and then gave us tickets to attend the game - which was very nice of them! It was the first time I have been to a CBJ game and the first time I have been to any hockey games outside of Kilbourne hockey. Wow... they are crazy fast and make amazing passes. It was fun to see professional hockey and to enjoy the atmosphere of the game. Yet, as I sat there watching the game, I was thinking about what it is about high school sports that I like better than professional sports and I realized it is the fact that I *KNOW* you. I enjoy watching high school sports because I like to watch you play - I care more about the person wearing the uniform than I do for the wins/ losses or the particularly impressive plays. So, while I will look forward to going to another CBJ game in the future, I will also look forward to Friday night's football game and the upcoming start of winter sports.

Thanks to all of the freshmen and sophomores who took the PLAN test today! After the PSAT and PLAN tests both being administered in the last two weeks I have to say that I learned a few things there too... You should bring regular pencils - NOT mechanical pencils! Wear a watch. Dress in layers. (It was so cold in the gym this morning, but I remember last year's PSAT was unbelievably hot so you never really know what to expect.) Bring a calculator. It's interesting, my guess is that most of those reminders - except maybe the dressing in layers part were probably on the reminder sheets, but it is true. Hope it helps you when you test again in the future.

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