Friday, October 16, 2009

Please Vote

I believe that everyone living in the Worthington School District has probably heard about the fact that there is a school levy on the ballot for November's election. The levy is essential for our schools to continue functioning in an effective manner for all current and future students. Now, I realize that the majority of the students reading this blog are under 18, so this post is really more of a reminder to encourage your parents and your extended family and friends who live in the district to vote in support of Issue 49. Obviously, for all of the students over 18, hopefully you have already registered to vote so that you can have a say in the future of the schools.

I know life can get busy making it difficult to find time to vote on election day (November 3rd). In case it would make things easier, here is a link to request an absentee ballot. If you plan to vote absentee, the absentee application must be received at the Franklin County Board of Elections by noon on October 30th. They will then mail you your absentee ballot so that you can vote.

If you are voting in person or absentee, the Worthington Schools levy is Issue 49 (the last issue on the ballot) so make sure you go all the way to the end so that you can vote for the school levy.

Some reminders about Early Voting/Absentee Ballots

- Anyone can request an absentee ballot for any reason and you can have it sent to wherever you are living now, even if you are living abroad or are in the military. The address at which you are registered to vote should be your permanent address to which you plan to return if you are temporarily living somewhere else, such as at college, an internship, a short-term temporary job, etc.

- Your absentee ballot request must be received at the Franklin Co. Board of Elections by noon Oct. 30, 2009.

- Your absentee ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 2, 2009 to count.

- Send in your absentee ballot request ASAP. Absentee ballots start going out Sept. 29. Fill out and return your absentee ballot ASAP to make sure your vote counts.

- At the top of the absentee ballot request form put the date of the election 11-3-09 and fill in the bubble for "General Election." You need not put a party affiliation.

- Mail your absentee ballot request form to Absentee Dept., Franklin Co. Board of Elections, PO Box 182111, Columbus, OH 43218-2111

I hope you enjoyed your day off and being able to sleep in this morning! Have a great weekend!

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