Monday, October 26, 2009

Important Deadline Reminders

It feels like there are so many dates and deadlines that continue to rush up so I figured it might help to give you a few reminders...

- All Sophomores and any freshmen interested in taking the PLAN test should have registered today, but we will accept additional registrations tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Please be sure to bring your $10.00 to one of the secretaries first thing in the morning to get registered.

- Wednesday is a Late Start Day for students. All of the students taking the PLAN test will need to arrive at school (via your own transporation) at 7:30am.

- Wednesday is also the deadline for students to submit their permission slips if interested in participating in the field trip (on November 12th) to the Delaware Area Career Center. Please see Mrs. King in the Counseling Center if you lost your permission slip.

- This week is OGT retake week for all of the Juniors and Seniors who have not taken or passed one or more sections of the OGT. You should have received a registration slip telling you where you will be taking your test. Please make sure that you take the test as scheduled!

- Seniors who have college application deadlines of November 1st should have already submitted the transcript release forms. If you have not yet done so and you have a school that you are hoping will have your materials by November 1st, please complete a transcript release form and turn it in with your $2.00 right away.

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