Tuesday, September 8, 2009

News and Notes

Just a couple of random bits of information for you:

- This Thursday (9/10/09) I will be out of the building all day to attend the Ohio Association of College Admissions Counselors Articulation meeting at the University of Cincinnati. This is a meeting where all of the Ohio 2-year, 4-year public, and 4-year private colleges come together to share the latest news about their college application process, any noteworthy information about their schools, and any tips that we need to know to help you navigate the admissions process. So, if you need me this week, please plan to stop in tomorrow or Friday.

- Hopefully you have looked at the list of colleges coming to visit WKHS as they start up next week and we really want to make sure that you are taking advantage of this opportunity. You can register by clicking on "Sign Up" on PrepHQ. (See the post from last week for more details.)

- Related to the college visits to WKHS, we are in desperate need of parent volunteers to help with these visits. Parent volunteers simply attend the college information session along with any students that were interested in the visiting school to gather information for the secretaries to add to the college files in the Counseling and Career Center. Please know that you do NOT have to be the parent of the senior and your son/ daughter does NOT need to be interested in that particular school to be able to help us by volunteering to host the visit in the WKHS Counseling Center. If you are willing and able to help with ANY of the upcoming visits, please contact Bonnie Windisch at 883-2590.

- Don't forget, tomorrow is a homeroom day so we will be on a slightly modified bell schedule.

- Looking ahead, next Wednesday, September 16th is the Freshman Parent Night at 7:00pm followed by the Meet the Teacher Night which starts at 7:30pm. (This is also a late start day for students.)

- The Senior Student and Parent College Information Night is two weeks from today, September 22nd from 7:30 - 9:30pm. If you are a senior, PLEASE save the date so that you can attend!

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