Friday, September 25, 2009

College Application Process

Did you have a nice day off today? We were in meetings all day so I am definitely jealous that you were able to sleep in for a while. I am excited to have my sister and her family (including my niece and nephew) in town visiting this weekend! With the long weekend, I am guessing that some seniors are working on college applications and I wanted to give you a few reminders:

- You should apply online unless you have some paperwork (like fee waivers) that require you to submit a paper application.

- Please remember though that an essay is an essay and you should take the time to actually work on writing a strong essay, have it edited and reviewed by multiple people before copying and pasting it into your online application.

- After you submit the application you will print out any papers that you need me to complete on your behalf.

- Fill out a yellow Transcript Release Form and turn it in with the form for me to complete and your $2.00 transcript fee to Mrs. Hoyt (Registrar) or one of the Counseling Center Secretaries.
By doing all of this together rather than sending your transcript and then later realizing that you also needed to submit the counselor form you can be certain that the college will receive all of your materials together which helps make sure that it will be filed appropriately so that they can make a decision on your application.

- After you have submitted your application you may also need to verify that your official test scores were sent from the testing organization (ACT/ SAT) directly to the college. If you did not have them sent to that particular school then you will need to pay the fee to have them sent if the college requires official scores from the testing agency.

- Then it is time to sit back and wait...

- When you hear back from your schools, please stop in to see me and let me know the admissions decision as this is something that we track.

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