Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer's Over

It is hard to believe, but the summer is already over for me... I know that you are happy to have another few days of freedom. Now that it is time to head back to school full time, I wanted to share some of the my favorite high points from the summer.

Hands down, the best part of my summer involved time with my niece and nephew. Carly and Cole are growing up so fast and they are such a joy. I am blessed to have them in my lives and having summers off enables me to spend some extra time with them.

Carly and Cole were in town for the 4th of July and we went to Red, White, and Boom, the parade, had a cookout, took naps, and headed back out for more fireworks.

(Carly at the parade...)

Carly then headed out of town with my mom leaving Cole with me for the week. We had a great time together. He is full of energy so we spent lots of time on the go and he always had me laughing. While he was here we went to the movies, the zoo, the splash pad, and the playground. At the zoo he really liked the baby elephant and the penguins, but his favorite was the zoo's playground and the carousel.

(Cole on carousel... can you see how red his cheeks are? He was such a trooper - he is only 3 but he walked on his own for the entire time we were at the zoo.)

Here is a picture of Cole playing at the playground... how is it that little boys find playing in the dirt as much fun as playing ON the playground equipment?? :-)

I also had the chance to spend some time in Kentucky. While there Carly lost her other front tooth and was VERY excited that the tooth fairy came to see her. ;-) And my sister's family also has a new addition... they adopted a puppy and named her Lucy. She is very sweet. And yes, when arriving home, everyone calls out, "Lucy, I'm Home..."

So, in short, it was a great summer, but it went too fast. I'm definitely not ready for early mornings! Now that I have shared the highlights from my summer, I hope you stop in to see me and let me know how your summer went and what you did to stay busy.

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