Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Small Fire

This morning when I arrived at school the secretaries were standing outside of the building and informed me that lightening had struck the building sometime in the middle of the night and caused a computer to catch fire. (The fire department responded and prevented it from spreading.)

I actually thought they were kidding because they explained that the power was out in the building and therefore the air conditioning unit (that was finally just turned on yesterday afternoon) was also not working.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a joke and there was a fire that resulted in some damage to one of the business computer classrooms. For safety reasons the building is closed for today while they try to assess the damage and determine the ability to turn on the power to the building. Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow, at least down in our office area, but for today, it is an extra afternoon of summer vacation for me. :-) In all sincerity though, please do not try to enter the school building today and know that your phone calls will not go through (as there is no power). Thanks. I will update you if I hear anything else today.

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