Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Schedule Pick Up

By now you all should have received the new school year information packets in the mail, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of the upcoming schedule pick up days!

9th graders: Monday, August 17th - You will be picking them up based upon the first letter of your last name, so all of "my" students will be in the A - H group and you get to pick your schedules up first thing on Monday morning between 8:30 - 10:00am. (In case you are curious, students with last names I-Q will pick up their schedules between 10 - 11:30, and those with last names R - Z have the 1:30 - 3:30 time.)

Marching Band Members (All Grades) also pick up their schedules on Monday, August 17th between 12:30 - 1:00.

10th graders: Tuesday, August 18th - morning (A - L is between 8:30 - 10:00am and M - Z is 10:00 - 11:30)

12th graders: Tuesday, August 18th - afternoon (A - L between 12:30 - 2:00pm and M - Z between 2:00 - 3:30)

11th graders: Wednesday, August 19th - morning (A - L between 8:30 - 10:00am and M - Z between 10:00 - 11:30am)

Also, for any new students there will be a new student orientation on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 19th at 1:00pm in the library.

Don't forget, schedule pick up day is packed with lots of activities - finding your locker, getting your school picture taken, picking up your books, etc. (All non-freshmen students need to bring your ID's with you... the freshmen will have their ID cards made while at schedule pick up.)

I'm sure it will be a few crazy days in my office, but I am looking forward to seeing you so don't forget to stop by and let me know how your summer vacation was and update me on your lives.

I still have a little more summer vacation left (YEAH!), but I will be back at school on Monday to try to make sure everything is good to go for you when you pick up your schedules.

See you soon!

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