Sunday, August 30, 2009


I realized last night when I posted that I had not been doing very well with my back to school blog posting routine. I promise I will be trying to improve on that. As a reminder, my goal is to post at least 4 of the 7 days each week we are in school. Looking back, some weeks I post more frequently, and some weeks, when things are really crazy (like last week was) I don't get the posts up as I had planned. Thanks for being patient with me though.

An important reminder for anyone considering a change in their schedule for this semester... tomorrow (Monday, August 31st) is the last day to ADD a class to your schedule. (This also means that it is the last day to drop a class if you need to add something else to keep you above the minimum number of classes.) If you have 7 classes (or 6 if you are a senior) then you have 6 weeks to be able to drop a class without having it appear on your transcript. You also have 6 weeks to submit a pass/fail form for any classes that you want to take with that option.

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