Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let the Fun Begin!

Wow! After being closed out of the building at the end of last week and trying to play catch up to squeeze everything into too few days, I have to admit that I am exhausted... and school hasn't even started yet! :-)

Tomorrow, the real fun begins for all of the freshmen students and those students who are serving as Freshmen Mentors.

One thing that I wanted to alert all of my students to is a slight change in the way you would stop in and see me. As always, you are welcome to stop in and visit anytime that you are not missing a class. With so many students, I am not always available right when you stop by to see me. As in the past, if I am busy, you are welcome to leave a pass and I will come and find you, you can stop back a little while later, or you can wait. The change is that we are asking all students to wait in the front area of the counseling center rather than waiting in the hallway just outside of the counselor doors. This will help protect student confidentiality and limit noise that might disturb those in surrounding offices. I don't think it will be a big deal for anyone to make this adjustment and we posted a bunch of signs to help remind you, but in advance I wanted to thank you for helping to make this new area for waiting work.

Welcome Class of 2013! It will be a fun four years... and believe me, it goes fast!

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