Sunday, June 7, 2009

Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to the 2009 WKHS Graduates! Today was a wonderful day celebrating the impact and accomplishments of the seniors and sending them into the future with best wishes filled with hope. It was exciting to watch each student walk across the stage, receive their diploma and to celebrate their 12 years of education. I think one of my favorite parts was actually after the ceremony was over as "my students" marched out and I had a chance to say one final congratulations with lots of smiles, high-fives, and hugs. Even though you are now officially "former students" please know that I will always care about you!I was so proud and excited for Corey Castelli (class president) who did a nice job with his graduation speech and for Sachi Oshima who was inducted into the WKHS Hall of Fame! Congratulations to both of you!

While taking pictures there were lots of requests that I post some on my blog so here are some random shots from today...

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