Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time is Running Out

Seniors have just 13 days remaining and underclassmen have 18 days (including exam days) before summer break.

Obviously that means every moment counts if you are not doing well in your classes and you are trying to pull off a passing grade for the semester.

For the current juniors (soon to be seniors) don't forget that if you need a teacher recommendation letter this is the ideal time to ask a teacher to write a letter for you so that they have the entire summer to work on the letter. You will need to provide them with some basic information about yourself and I strongly encourage you to complete the "Teacher Recommendation Request" form which can be downloaded from the Shared Files area on PrepHQ if you do not have a resume to provide to your teacher. Please be respectful of the time required to write rec letters and if you are applying to schools that do not need recommendation letters, do not waste a teacher's time by asking one of them to write a letter for you. (If you are uncertain about which schools need letters, stop in and see me and I will help you determine if a letter is needed, but as a general rule of thumb, the public colleges in Ohio do not need letters.)
Even though the weather is improving and summer is approaching, please focus on making the most of each day and preparing for the future.

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