Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Friend of Education

Congratulations to Sue Bobson, who was honored tonight at the Worthington Education Association Friend of Education and Retirement Celebration. Each building is able to nominate one individual who will be recognized as their "Friend of Education." This year, Mrs. Bobson won this award and she certainly deserved it!

Unfortunately, when the programs were created they inadvertently left off the information celebrating Sue, so I wanted to share it with you...

Sue is the parent of a current sophomore and if it had not been for her encouragement, help, planning, time, and commitment, the Worthington Kilbourne High School Career Fair never would have happened. Sue was the first person WKHS Counselor Brianna Abbott approached with the idea of putting on a career fair, and her immediate response was to volunteer to do whatever was needed to pull off this huge school-wide program. After initially encouraging the idea, Sue then spent several months of volunteer time helping to plan and implement the career fair. While many parents served on the committee, no one else came close to matching the countless hours of time and devotion Sue put into this project. Dozens of community members from a wide variety of professions were on hand to provide over 1400 students with meaningful opportunities to explore their future career possibilities, and Sue’s leadership was pivotal to the program’s overwhelming success.

Beyond this project, Sue has been a committed parent volunteer for many years as her children have progressed from elementary to middle school to high school and beyond. We are deeply appreciative of her efforts.

I was lucky enough to have the honor of being able to attend the ceremony and present Mrs. Bobson with her award. The next time you see her at school or in the community, please take a moment to congratulate and thank her for all that she does for Worthington Kilbourne High School!

Tonight, after the banquet, I headed back to school for the Choir Concert. As always, I am amazed by how beautiful everyone sounded and by the level of talent within our school. A special congratulations to "my" seniors who performed in their final WKHS Choir Concert - Kelsey Adolph, Abel Araya, John Barry, Jon Carroll, Nicole Cason, and Michelle Dutton.

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