Thursday, March 19, 2009


Once "my" student... always "my" student! I care a great deal about all of my students and that is one fact which simply doesn't change no matter the circumstances. When students graduate - they are still special to me and I love to be able to reconnect with them when they come back to WKHS to visit or by phone or e-mail. Another special group of kids that I have recently had the opportunity to spend some time watching were my former students from Grove City High School. The year prior to coming to WKHS I was a counselor at GCHS and the way their counselors divide the school is by graduating class, so I had the Class of 2009 as freshmen and, had I stayed at Grove City, I would have followed with them until they graduate this spring. Obviously, I left to come to WKHS after just a year, but those students have remained very special to me since they were my first ever group of kids.

The Grove City High School boys basketball team includes quite a few of "my" students. They have had an amazing season this year winning the District Championship on Saturday morning and advancing to tonight's Regional Semifinal game tonight against Northland. Unfortunately, their journey came to an end with a loss tonight, but I am so proud of the entire team and Coach Waits. I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to know and work with such a special group of students and even now it is still a true joy and honor to be able to watch them succeed.
Above is a picture of the team preparing to cut "down" the net after winning in the District Finals game. Below is one of "my" favorite GCHS students, Alex Fraley, cutting his piece of the net.So, to all of my "current" students, please know that you mean a lot to me... and I'm sure that I will have to take a lot of slack for recognizing some of my "former" students, but it is worth it because they deserve to be recognized. And, for the record, I am quite confident that their new counselor would call the kids "his" students and not "my" students, but I will always think of them as mine. :-)

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