Thursday, February 19, 2009

Guys and Dolls

Tonight I went to the opening night production of the WKHS musical, Guys and Dolls. WOW! It was fantastic! I enjoyed it more than I ever imagined and was, once again, blown away by the talent, hard work, and dedication that was on display throughout the entire production. Everyone involved in putting on the musical should be so proud of what you have accomplished. It was long, but so worth it. They have another show tomorrow night (Friday) at 7:30pm and again on Saturday for an afternoon performance (I think it is at 2:30). You should definitely go - it was darling! I have been trying to decide what my favorite part of it was and I honestly don't know because the singing and dancing were all so well done. I even brought my grandma to see the musical with me and she also loved it and was extremely impressed by the show. Congratulations again to everyone involved!

PS - I left my program in my office at school after the show, so I don't want to acknowledge anyone by name because I am worried I will accidentally leave someone else off the list, but I will update this post tomorrow with names and with a picture that the parents of one of my students agreed to send my way so that I can share it with you... (Thanks Cook's!) :-)

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