Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Schedule Changes

As I pretty much expected, today was a crazy day with tons of students dropping by to try to request changes to their schedules for next semester. I'm not sure how long the line was at different times, but I was moving through the requests as quickly as I could manage. If you want to change a course for next semester, stop in and see me - I can't guarantee anything, but I am willing to see what I can do to help you. I know that it tends to create a few moments of panic as you realize that your lunch periods are changing or that you don't think you know anyone in any of your 2nd semester classes, but please try to relax and keep an open mind. As I said, I will do what I can, but many classes are at capacity so it may take patience to see if other people end up dropping courses. For any seniors, if you have realized that you will not pass a 1st semester class required for graduation, it is essential that you come and talk to me right away so that we can figure out a plan. For the rest of you, just to give you a quick heads up - at the end of this month we will start with course registrations for NEXT year. My how time flies!

On a totally different, unrelated line - I'm curious, are any of you hoping for a snow day or at least a delay tomorrow? Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. :-)

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