Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Baby it's COLD outside - and snowy too! :-) Did you enjoy the two-hour early release today? I am sure that you did. It was funny. Sitting in my office with the doors closed I could hear the entire commons erupt into cheers when Mr. Nally came on to announce the early release. Students told me that every time he came on before that the commons grew silent hoping he would be announcing a release. That's pretty impressive because it is hard to get a group that big to be quiet all at once.

The question I have been getting all evening is, "Will we have school tomorrow?" and I honestly have no idea. I just got home a short time ago and I can honestly say that the road conditions will have to improve significantly if we are going to be at school bright and early tomorrow. I will hop on here and post it on my blog as soon as I get the call from one of the administrators that we don't have school, but be aware that I have usually been able to find it on TV before I get my official phone call.

Hopefully you all were listening to the announcements this week about the importance of taking home all of your materials to study and prepare for exams... :-)

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