Thursday, December 18, 2008

What a Nightmare!

Applying to colleges can be challenging and overwhelming. Waiting to hear back from the colleges to find out if you have been accepted or not has the potential to be frustrating and nerve-wracking. Hearing that you have been accepted is obviously thrilling.

Except when it's not.

I just read a story that is featured in the Chicago Tribune that Northwestern University accidentally sent an e-mail to 50 graduate (not undergraduate so you don't have to worry) students who were applying to their business program notifying them of their acceptance only to have those same students log onto the school website and realize that they were, in fact, actually rejected.

I can't even imagine! Talk about a nightmare and rollercoaster of emotions for the students. Let's hope we don't face any of those issues with YOUR college applications!

On a side "fun" note - Miss Schwartz made a really cute Elf decoration for the staff holiday lunch that was held today. (It is one of those things where you stand behind the picture and stick your head through the cut-out and you are "magically" transformed into an elf.) :-) She will have it for students to come in and have their pictures taken tomorrow and I would love to post any "elf" pictures of my students... so be sure to stop by and let me take a quick picture.

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