Monday, December 15, 2008

ACT and SAT Practice

People often ask me how they should study for the ACT and SAT tests. There are a lot of free alternatives and I encourage you to check them out. Last week we were sent information about two free opportunities that I wanted to pass along to you. Both are provided by Kaplan which is a test prep company so while I am sure these are free for you, please also be aware that they will probably use the connection to solicit you to participate in one of their test prep programs.

The first as using their free ACT or SAT QuizBank. Located online you can take quizzes to practice different questions. Visit their website to sign up for their QuizBank.

The second opportunity is an actual practice test. In fact, they will be offering a free practice SAT and a free practice ACT. Both tests will be administered at Thomas Worthington High School and it allows you to experience a more realistic testing environment and they provide analysis of your test results. Students must sign up for the practice tests in advance on their website.

The Practice SAT will be held at TWHS on Saturday, January 10th from 8am - 12pm.

The Practice ACT will be held at TWHS on Saturday, January 24th from 8am - 12pm.

I hope these opportunities are helpful to all of you who are beginning to worry about the college admissions tests. Please also know that there are plenty of other free opportunities that you can take advantage of online including sample questions on the ACT and SAT websites.

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