Monday, November 24, 2008

Impact Award

Tonight at the Worthington Board of Education meeting the WKHS Career Fair planning committee that I chaired was honored with an Impact Award. This award was designed "to acknowledge staff members who exemplify excellence, connect people, knowledge and ideas, provide inspiration, recognize opportunity and celebrate success." Obviously, it was an quite an honor to receive this award!

School Board President (and Career Fair committee member), Jennifer Best, spoke about the career fair event and shared a few highlights and then asked me to speak about why we came up with the concept of holding a career fair. (Which, by the way, is because the student and parent surveys conducted at the end of the last two years have both indicated a need for increased career information - so never doubt that the surveys you complete are useful to us!)

I was excited that we received this recognition, but mostly because it gave the opportunity for everyone to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the committee members. I feel like I have been the lucky one because I was able to work with such an incredible group of people who were dedicated to making the career fair a success. Then, I was also the one who received a lot of the acknowledgement and thanks and it was appropriate that the recognition be shared among the entire group.

So, now that I finally have a picture of the committee members, I would like to publicly thank the WKHS 2008 Career Fair Planning Committee: Ken Nally (Asst. Principal), Tim Davis (Student), Mike Riffee (Teacher, Parent, and Coach), Jennifer Best (Parent), Sue Bobson (Parent), Sachi Oshima (Student), Me - I think you know me by now, and Juli Bogatay (Parent). Unfortunately there was one committee member who was unable to attend the meeting tonight - Tom Souder (Dean of Students and Coach).

Thank you all for making the career fair such an incredible event!

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