Sunday, November 2, 2008

Don't Forget

A few reminders...

- Don't forget that tomorrow is a Late Start Day! (Classes begin at 9:10am)

- Don't forget that tomorrow is the PLAN test! Sophomores and any Freshman signed up to take the test need to arrive at WKHS at 7:15am and will finish testing around 11:30am. To the rest of the students - I will be helping to administer the PLAN test along with the rest of the counselors so know that I won't be around until later in the day.

- Don't forget that Tuesday we don't have school because it is election day (and my birthday!)

- Don't forget that Thursday is the Career Fair... and I still need volunteers to help set up on Wednesday night and to help with greeting our professionals as they arrive bright and early on Thursday morning.

- Don't forget that Friday is the field trip to the Delaware Area Career Center.

- Hopefully you all remembered to set your clocks back, but if not, I guess this is another reminder. :-)

See you tomorrow!

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