Monday, November 10, 2008

Delaware Area Career Center

On Friday of last week the counselors had the opportunity to take all students interested in learning more about the Delaware Area Career Center up to the north and south campuses for a field trip/ visit. I picked to attend the north campus because a few of my other students are in programs up there and I wanted to try to see them. (I didn't realize that they don't all have to attend on the field trip days so I missed out on seeing some...)

I was excited though to be able to visit the construction lab and see Ben Adamescu and the success that he is having and the impressive accomplishments he has achieved while there. Ben took us out to see the fire training building that they helped to build and also the bobcat machine that they are trained to use... they teach the kids how to lift it "right" by filling the shovel full of water and then the kids work to raise it without getting water all over themselves. It was interesting.

(Above Ben shows another one of my students, Jennifer Anthony, and another WKHS student how to hammer nails successfully.)

After finishing my time in the construction lab I went to the Automotive Technology lab and was able to catch up with and see Tim Curry. It was great to see the projects, cars, and equipment that he has been working with at the DACC. And, of course, I enjoyed being able to talk to him and hearing about his internship that he has been doing this year!

(Tim shows students some of their specialized equipment.)

I am so incredibly proud of both Ben, Tim, and the rest of my students that are doing so well at the career center! (Their teachers all bragged about them too so it isn't just that I am biased about how impressive my students are in their accomplishments.) And, I was also so impressed to watch them both as they taught the student visitors. :-)

If you have ever given any consideration to attending the Delaware Area Career Center and have questions, please stop in and see me. You should also try to go up to the DACC with your parents for the Open House visits this Thursday (November 13th) evening.

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