Thursday, October 23, 2008

For What It's Worth...

Tomorrow's football game has been the talk of the school and I hope that it is a great game (with a Wolves victory, of course) and that everyone is on their best and most appropriate behavior. But what I actually want to mention to you - especially the upperclassmen - is that if you are scheduled to take the ACT on Saturday morning, you really need to focus on taking that test!

Yes, I understand that this is a big game and that it is exciting to have the first ever in-district football game...

Yes, I understand that it is a Friday night...

Yes, I understand that after the game people will come back to WKHS for Senior Tackle and then celebrate the win...

But NO it is not an excuse to blow off Saturday's ACT!

So, please, think about going home after the game and unwinding quickly so that you can get a good night of sleep before the test. Get up, eat breakfast, concentrate on doing your best on the test, and then after all of that is over - celebrate the victory on Saturday.

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