Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Career Fair Madness

It's madness... really, it is... and with just 9 days left until the career fair I am definitely feeling the pressure to get everything pulled together.

In case you missed it, next Thursday, November 6th, WKHS will be hosting a Career Fair during the school day. Students will be released out of class to attend and will have the opportunity to walk around and talk with representatives from approximately 200 different careers who have been kind enough to volunteer their time that morning. I believe it is going to be a great day and a wonderful opportunity for all of you to meet and interact with professionals and learn more about their jobs and how they ended up in these positions. It is my sincere hope that you make the most of your time - remember, it is your future, plus, many colleges will want to know not only what you have selected for your intended major, but also why that field interests you. The information you learn at the career fair may help guide you.

Many of my students have been wonderful in helping with preparing for the career fair. Looking ahead to next week I believe that the night before the career fair as well as the morning of the career fair will be times that I need additional volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please stop by and let me know.

On Wednesday, November 5th we will be setting up the tables and materials throughout the first floor. The shifts we are looking for volunteers to help include:
- 4:00 to 5:30pm
- 5:30 to 7:00pm
- 8:00 to 9:30pm

On Thursday, November 6th we also need volunteers to assist as the career professionals arrive by escorting them to their tables and showing them the location of their hospitality room. With nearly 200 people arriving in 30 minutes it will be a rush and so we will need many willing helpers. This shift would be 6:45am to 7:45am. (And yes, I would need for you to be there and ready to go BY 6:45... so if you are not a morning person this might not be the best idea...)

We will also need students to help with cleaning up after the event by taking down the tables and signs, etc. Because this would also mean that you are missing class time my guess is that there will be lots of students willing to help on this shift. As a result, we will be opening this opportunity up first to those students who volunteer on a different shift the day before or the morning of the career fair.

Once again, if you are willing to help by participating on any of the shifts please stop by my office to sign up. I am going to put a sign-up sheet on the clipboard outside of my office so if I am busy you will still be able to sign up if you are able to help. Thanks!

Also, I have been putting in some crazy hours trying to get ready for the career fair (plus I had my family in town for the weekend) so I have been slacking a bit on the updates - I am sorry and I promise that after the career fair is over next week I will return to a more regular updating schedule. :-) Thanks for understanding!

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