Sunday, September 14, 2008

School Report Forms

As you are working on your college applications you will find that most schools require some type of a form to be completed by me. These forms have lots of different names - School Report Form, Counselor Report Form, High School Information Sheet, etc. They all ask some of the same basic information - what is your GPA, what classes are you taking, and many ask for my feedback on you as a student/ person. The one aspect that varies greatly on the forms from different schools is if they require a recommendation letter to be included from me. (If you realize that your forms require a recommendation it is essential that you come and see me to set up a time for us to meet as soon as possible!)

Some of you have been really organized and on the ball and have tried to bring in your school report forms directly to me to complete and hold on for you until you are ready to send them. I need to ask you to hold onto these on your own rather than bringing them to me in advance. For a moment, I am going to ask you to do the math. I have about 115 seniors. Let's say that 100 of you apply to college. Of those 100 some will apply to 1 college, but others will apply to a dozen or more. So, let's guesstimate an average of 3 to 5 colleges per student. That would be 300 to 500 forms that I need to keep track of vs. you keeping the couple of forms on your own and turning them in when it is time for me to actually complete them. You have a much better chance of keeping three forms organized than I do to keep several hundred organized. You will turn in these forms with your transcript release form and fees to Mrs. Hoyt and then she will run your transcript and give the entire packet to me in one folder with an envelope so that they are ready to be mailed. Trust me, this organization system works! You will keep the forms until they are ready to be sent. I will fill them out as soon as I receive them and then they will be on their way to your college.

The one detail that I would ask that you please pay attention to is if your college needs a counselor recommendation letter. I am more than happy to write the letter for you, but I do them in a first-come, first-serve basis in order to be fair, so if you turn in your forms and then when I am filling out your school report form I realize that you need a recommendation letter and we haven't met yet - your application is going to sit on my desk for a while until we can meet and I can write your letter. So, help me to help you by checking that out on your own in advance. If you aren't sure where to look, stop in and see me and we will figure it out together.

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