Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Schedule Pick Up Days

I don't know if the information packets have been mailed home yet or not, but wanted to let you know about schedule pick up days!

9th graders: Monday, August 18th

10th graders: Tuesday, August 19th - morning

12th graders: Tuesday, August 19th - afternoon

11th graders: Wednesday, August 20th - morning

Also, for any new students there will be a new student orientation on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 20th.

Don't forget, schedule pick up day is packed with lots of activities - finding your locker, getting your school picture taken, picking up your books, etc.

I'm sure it will be a few crazy days in my office, but I am looking forward to seeing you so don't forget to stop by and let me know how your summer vacation was and update me on your lives.

I still have 1 more week of summer vacation left (YEAH!) and then I will be back at school to try to make sure everything is good to go for you when you pick up your schedules.

See you soon!

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