Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not just an admissions test

The ACT and SAT are most frequently known as college admissions tests and they are certainly used to help college admissions officers in determining who they should accept. Ohio University is also using the tests for more than just admissions decisions. OU is phasing out their math placement exams and instead using ACT and SAT scores to determine students' level of math ability. Students with a 16 or below on the math portion of their ACT or a 380 or below on the SAT will be assigned to remedial math courses; those with at least a 30 on the ACT or a 680 on the SAT may skip the regular freshman math classes and take more advanced courses. If a student did not do well on the ACT or SAT they will still have the option of taking the school's placement exams online... so don't fret if your scores are not where you think they should be to reflect your ability.

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