Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tests Optional

Hello! Remember me?!? I can't believe it has been over a week since I posted an update. I am sorry for the delay, but I have been out of town and had limited computer access while gone. I have lots of stories, pictures including a few college visits along the way to share with you in coming posts, but since it has been so long between updates I wanted to jump back into things with an "informative" post... so stop back again soon if you want to learn more about where I was this past week. :-)

The last time that I updated we were talking about ACT and SAT tests and how the scores compare to one another. I know that the college admissions tests can be stressful to students (and parents), but it is important to know that not every college requires strong test scores... in fact, there are many colleges that do not require test scores when evaluating applicants for admission. The website Fair Test is the National Center for Fair and Open Testing. Their site features a list of colleges that are test score optional schools. This hopefully reminds you that any one aspect of your college application does not make or break you - there are always more options to explore until you find the college that is the best fit for you. So please, don't allow the college admissions tests give you nightmares!

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