Saturday, July 5, 2008

Summer Fun

I hope that you are having a great summer and that your 4th of July holiday was safe and enjoyable. When updating this blog I try to strike a balance between educational and fun and so I decided it was time for a "fun update" to tell you about my summer. I have spent several weeks with my niece and nephew (and my sister and her husband...) which has been a blast. I love Carly and Cole so much and it is great to have summers off so that I can spend some quality time just hanging out with them.

They are so much fun to be around, but are in constant motion. The best part about any time spent with them is when they just want to come up and cuddle. The first night that I arrived both kids were wired and were running throughout the house screaming and yelling with excitement (wow - to think that a visit from "Aunt Bri" is that exciting is crazy...) and then I ended up with my niece hanging onto my back and my nephew launching himself into my arms. It was quite a welcome!

While in Kentucky I was able to watch bits and pieces of Carly at cheerleading camp, golf lessons and swimming lessons. I also saw both of them at Vacation Bible School. Cole loves tractors and can tell me the "right" names for different pieces of equipment we pass - "Excavator, Hay Baler" - I don't know how to spell them let alone know what they look like or what they do, but he thinks it is great. He is 2 and a half now so they are also working on potty training which is comical to say the least. He is a boy in constant motion so I don't have any good pictures of me with him, but I think these two pictures of him eating ice cream are too cute!

Carly (pictured at the top of the page with me) is still all princess and loves to dress up and play pretend. She likes to color and draw and is really looking forward to starting kindergarten this year.

They have certainly been the highlight of my summer. Besides hanging out with them my other summer highlight is the fact that the Olympics are coming soon - (August 8th which is 33 days and 7 hours, 48 minutes from when I am writing this...) Yes, I love sports and I love the Olympics and everything that it involves so I am enjoying watching the trials and looking forward to the start of the Olympics. I am working on getting my niece excited about them too and she watched some of the trials and highlights online with me as well as a little bit on TV. My sister just rolls her eyes and laughs. :-) It's ok... you can too. :-)

Well, that pretty much brings you up to speed on how I have been spending my summer vacation. I hope that you are enjoying your time off just as much and I would love to hear about the fun things you are doing. Stay Safe and Enjoy!

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