Friday, June 27, 2008

Making Your Resume

I hope you are having a great summer - I now really feel like it is summer and am enjoying the time off! Hopefully you are also balancing being productive with having fun this summer.

If you are wondering what you should be doing this summer, one of the items that I hope you have on your "To Do" list is to create or update your resume.

Now, it doesn't have to be a formal resume, but it is important to compile a list of:
- all of your activities including clubs, community groups, and sports
- awards received - it is helpful to know the award name, who it was from and reason for the recognition
- community service commitments with hours
- employment with hours

You can do this informally (just don't lose it!) on a sheet of paper or you can use the resume feature in PrepHQ to add your list there. One thing I really like about the PrepHQ resume builder is that you can tell it to create a resume for you and it will format it for you to be able to print in case you need a formal resume for a job application or for a college application.

Adding to and keeping this list updated is an important step for students of every age because when you sit down to start working on your college applications they are going to ask you over and over again to list out these types of items so having a complete list is key. I also hope it goes without saying that not only should the list be complete, but it should also be ACCURATE! Do NOT make up activities, awards, or other involvement that you did not participate in and did not earn!

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