Sunday, June 1, 2008

Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to the Class of 2008! Today was a beautiful day and was filled with many great moments. It was so exciting to see each student walk across the stage, receive their diploma and to celebrate their 12 years of education. It was great for me to watch as "my kids" marched out after the ceremony - now you are officially "former students" and yet I will always care about you. I was so proud and excited for Alex DiBartola (class president) who did a great job with his graduation speech and for Phil Bunting who was inducted into the WKHS Hall of Fame! Congratulations to both of you!

I'll be honest, I have more to blog about regarding graduation, but I am tired and need a picture that Andy Gottesman has promised to send to me... so I will post more about graduation soon. Hope you had a good weekend.

(The picture is my niece, Carly, playing dress up in a cap and gown...)

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