Monday, May 12, 2008

So Thankful

Today was one of those days when I was reminded of how much I have to be grateful for in life. I am so fortunate to work with incredible students who are kind, talented and bright. You are a blessing in my life and I am thankful for each day that I am able to work with you. Today started off on a high note... we had a staff appreciation breakfast before our meetings during the late start time. (Thank you Student Council!) I was able to hear one of "my" students play the piano and he performed beautifully! I was so impressed by his talents! Then later in the day I had a special treat when one of my former students (who is already home from college for the summer) stopped in to visit. I was so happy to catch up on life and hear about all the great adventures he has had this year. It makes me excited for all of the seniors for what will soon be in front of you... and a little sad at how fast time flies past.

For all of you heading to Cedar Point tomorrow - have fun! (Also, I wanted to let the rest of you know that I am out of the office tomorrow morning at a meeting, but should be back sometime near the end of 3rd period.)

By the way - I realized this morning that I had completely messed up and accidentally left my sister off of my list of family members that I was sending out Mother's Day wishes to and I am sorry about that! My sister is a wonderful mother to Carly and Cole and she inspires me every day. (And since she reads my blog from time to time - sorry that I am a sister without a brain when acknowledging the moms in our family... I love you!)

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