Saturday, May 3, 2008


Tonight is prom night for WKHS juniors and seniors. This is an exciting and memorable night for students and I hope you have a great evening. To be honest, I also hope that it is a safe evening. You want prom to be memorable in a positive way. Hopefully you have finalized all of your plans and are looking forward to a great night. As a chaperone for prom I love seeing "my" students dressed up and enjoying themselves. It should be fun. One last reminder about safety - please remember to talk with your parents before you leave tonight about what you will do if you end up in an unexpected situation and need help. If, for any reason, you need help tonight while at prom - you know that you can find me. Have a good time - be smart and be safe!

PS - Just a little bit of entertainment for you to make you laugh on this rainy day... the picture with today's post is Carly (my niece) playing dress up in my old prom dress. Not exactly what most people (including me!) would imagine that I would pick as a prom dress, but it is definitely fun for Carly to play dress up! :-)

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