Friday, May 23, 2008

No Real Update

This week has definitely not been a good week for me as far as getting updates onto the blog and I am sorry for the inconsistency. It has been a crazy end to the week as I have been working on schedules and trying to figure out the puzzle to getting everyone into their requested classes. I am no where near finished with is a bit worrisome, but I will get there in time. Last night I was so exhausted after a tough evening at the nursing home that I came home and pretty much fell asleep - completely forgetting that it was Thursday and therefore Grey's Anatomy night. So, I missed watching it and then today it seemed everyone wanted to talk about how great the show was last night... as a result I am skipping out on a "real" update again tonight so that I can go and watch last night's episode. Hope you have a great long weekend!

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