Friday, May 16, 2008

Arts in Action

As you are all aware, today was Arts in Action day. Because there were so many activities taking place throughout the day there were very few visitors to my office. I wanted to stick close to my office just in case someone was looking for me as there wouldn't have been any way of finding me out in the craziness of the school, but since it was also a *bit* boring I decided to venture out and was able to capture some pictures of "my" talented artisits in action. Enjoy...

(Students from L to R): EB Brennan, Austin Clouse, and Sam Craig

Amy Bluem (L) and EB Brennan (R) each participated in the Throwdown Competition
Some of the members of Wind Ensemble (L to R): Bryan Lee, Phil Bunting, David Bock, Catherine Ambrozich and standing is Jack Doran and Chris Rayis
Alyssa Boudinot (L) has her face painted and if you look closely you can see a few of my students working on the Guatemalan Sand Art (Kyle Downie and Maeve Beyer)
I found Matt Baker, Rolando Contreras, and Matt Bear playing cards in the Chess room.
Megan Denti singing in the commons (L) and Jenn Butterfield (R) participating in the Poetry Slam in the library - Jenn wrote a limerick about Mr. Meeks.
Mrs. Stamm and Mitch Anglin were "celebrity" judges for the Poetry Slam competition.
The band, Solace, also performed which includes Daron DiSabato and Josiah DePaso

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