Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wacky Weather

What is up with this weather?!?!? I knew it was a bad sign when I walked out of my house and saw the snow on the cars this morning before school, but tonight - sitting at the track meet... WOW! I was F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G!!! It was senior night and I wanted to support "my" five seniors - Congratulations John Batchelder, Phil Bunting, Carolyn Cann, Ian Cook, and Alex DiBartola! When I finally stood up to leave and about fell over because I could not feel my legs and now (2 hours after getting home from the meet) that my toes are still purple from being so cold I think I probably could have just found them at school and told them that I was proud of them and skipped the frigid recognition. Oh well... :-) Congratulations to both the guys and girls track and field teams for their win tonight. Hoping for warmer weather - last I checked it is almost May and therefore it should be spring. :-)

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