Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Weather

OK - so I feel a little bit like my step-grandmother who loves to talk about the weather, but FINALLY we have spring weather! :-) I am so happy to see the sun shining and to be able to enjoy time outside without freezing. With the warm weather finally here I hope that you took some time to enjoy it over the weekend. I am really looking forward to spending some time watching spring sports beginning this week. I told one of "my" students that I wouldn't come to his baseball games until it was warmer and not raining... finally looks like we will actually be able to find those warmer days. (Of course the rain may still be an issue, but it's still a step in the right direction.) As we begin the final grading period of the year, the warmer weather does have one potential downfall - it is another possible distraction from school work. Please try to stay focused on finishing the school year strong. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

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