Thursday, April 3, 2008

News, Notes, and Other Important Reminders

I have a variety of news, notes, and other important reminders for you today...

To start off with - one important reminder - you all have a LATE START day tomorrow! Enjoy sleeping in... I'm jealous! :-) With tomorrow being the end of the 3rd nine weeks, your teachers will be busy working on grades in the morning so that report cards can go home next week.

Anyone interested in participating in the PSEO (Post-Secondary Education Options) program MUST have their forms completed and turned in no later than next Monday, April 7th.

Juniors, there will be a Junior Student and Parent information night on Monday, April 14th at 7pm in the WKHS Auditorium. According to the e-mails I received after this presentation last year, this is the most useful/ informative evening that we host. I hope that you will plan to attend! And yes, I want you to bring your parents to this meeting and no, I don't want you to just send your parents instead... this is YOUR future and you are responsible for deciding the direction that you will take.

Seniors, don't forget that the deadline for all of the local scholarships is next Friday, April 11th. No late applications will be accepted.

Also for Seniors, I saw today that the WKHS Academic Boosters set out the Academic Signing Day forms in the Counseling Center. If you have been awarded a Merit/ Academic or Fine Art (Not Athletic) Scholarships that will be applied to the college you plan to attend AND the scholarship is worth at least $1,000 renewable for 4 years OR worth at least $4,000 for the first year, then you are eligible to participate in the Academic Signing Day. You must complete the form by May 8th in order to participate in the ceremony which will be held on May 14th at 7:30am. Stop in and see me if you have any questions.

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