Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mock Car Crash

On Friday morning the juniors and seniors had the opportunity to watch a mock car crash. This example of a serious car accident and the way that the police and fire departments respond was intended to help remind students of the importance of making good decisions and staying safe. Since standing there and watching the events of the day play out I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. (Probably part of the point of the entire assembly.) For me, this was seeing one of my biggest nightmares played out in person. I care about each of my students and I would never want anything bad to happen to any of you or your friends. It is important to make safe decisions and to not drink and drive or drive with anyone who has been drinking. Unfortunately, as the speaker, Mr. Kent, shared during the assembly after the mock car crash, sometimes you aren't doing anything wrong and someone else who has made the decision to drink and drive can cause injury or even death to innocent victims. I was grateful for the courage and the message that Mr. Kent shared so eloquently. Selfishly, I still hope that none of you will have to face the tragedy that he and his family and the friends of his son have experienced. The death of those three boys was senseless and could have been prevented if the friends of the young man who got behind the wheel drunk had stopped him from driving. As we head into prom week - and, for that matter, every day - please remember to stay safe and help keep your friends safe!

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