Thursday, March 6, 2008

What a Week!

Perhaps it is because this is the first 5-day week we have had in a while or because it is just a crazy time in general, but this week has been quite a ride. (Thankfully tomorrow is Friday!) Last night I had the opportunity to attend the band concert. I was impressed with the jazz band as well as the freshman and symphonic bands. (Wind Ensemble's concert isn't until the 17th.) Then tonight I watched the "Battle of Worthington" when special education students from WKHS and TWHS joined together on the Worthington Stars team and played basketball against middle school student ambassadors. The Worthington Stars won the game and it was great to watch all of the students so excited to be in the game - especially "my" two students - Adam Bailey and Jordan Berger. The students loved that there were so many people in the stands cheering for them, supporting them, and of course, they also loved the posters. Definitely two great nights of entertainment. I hope you are having a good week and that you are also looking forward to the weekend!

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