Monday, March 10, 2008

March Students of the Month

The ceremony to recognize the March 2008 Students of the Month was held last Friday morning. Students can only be honored as students of the month once in their high school career. A special congratulations to "my" three students who were included among this month's honorees - Scott Doyle, Jessica Black, and Liz Anderson.

I hope that you enjoyed the day off, but I have to admit - I am ready to see all of you again tomorrow. In case you aren't ready to be back just remember, it won't be long before we are off for spring break. (Can you believe it?!?)

Good luck to all of the Sophomores who will be taking their first OGT tomorrow. In case you are curious, your test tomorrow is the math test. To everyone else - see you at 9:50 and enjoy sleeping in tomorrow.

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