Sunday, March 30, 2008

No More Sleeping In...

Tomorrow we are Back to School! That means no more sleeping in, but I am excited to see all of you. I hope that you are looking forward to getting back into the swing of things at school. We return to 5-day school weeks and the final push to the end of the year. Don't forget that there isn't a lot of time left in the 3rd quarter so if you still need to pull up your grades you will need to focus right away. PLEASE, don't let senioritis and spring fever impact you!

I may be wrong, but I am guessing that there are a *few* of you who (like me) procrastinated on getting school stuff done this week. I opened up my planner for the first time tonight to see what I needed to do before returning to school tomorrow. Hope that you are able to get everything done and still get some sleep tonight. :-) See you bright and early tomorrow!

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