Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! This weekend I went to Kentucky and had a blast with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew. Carly and Cole (my niece and nephew) were so excited about the Easter Bunny coming to their house. The weekend did my heart good - lots of time playing, snuggling, and reading books - and, of course, today's Easter fun. Here are pictures to share their excitement...

Carly decorating Easter eggs.

The beautiful eggs...

Carly was up at 7am this morning excited to try to find any eggs and baskets that the Easter bunny might have hidden. Fortunately (for us)/ unfortunately (for her) Cole slept in a while longer so she had to wait. Here is Carly waiting at the top of the stairs with her basket to go collect eggs.

They were ON THE MOVE when looking for their baskets and eggs so I didn't get any good pictures of that, but here are the kids checking out their baskets. (Cole loves Thomas the Train so he wasn't about to turn around and look at the camera when he had a Thomas book!)

After the morning excitement it was time to get ready for church... Don't they clean up nice?!?! They were so cute! (I know that I am biased, but seriously... they were adorable!)

My favorite picture of Cole from the weekend was a moment of joy when he was resting after looking for eggs and eating chocolate.

My favorite picture of Carly from the weekend was when she was cuddled up with her mom (my sister, Macy) after brunch.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

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