Sunday, March 16, 2008

Better Safe Than Sorry

Two years ago this week I was working as a school counselor at Grove City High School when two students were in a critical car accident. One student passed away and the other, fortunately, lived. I have found myself thinking about this crisis frequently in the last week knowing how much it impacted the families involved as well as the entire school. So, I decided this was an appropriate time to review the importance of communicating when crisis situations occur. It is important, as a school counselor, to be aware of any major incidents that impact students from the school as soon as possible so that we can help prepare an appropriate response. For the record, I tend to check my e-mails frequently over weekends, holidays, and the summer for any critical incidents, but I do not check my school voicemail, so the best way to pass along important timely news is e-mail. Obviously, my hope is that this information is never needed and that we will not face any crisis situations in the future, but I also know that it is better safe than sorry.

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