Thursday, February 21, 2008

Summer School

Information about summer school was distributed in homerooms several weeks ago with the rest of your registration materials. Today we received feedback from the summer school directors that classes such as Phys Ed and Speech are filling up quickly. If you are planning on taking one of these classes during summer school, please be sure that you apply right away so that you don’t end up closed out of the class. In fact, if you needed the 9th grade PE class, it is closed for the high school sites for the first session – only Kilbourne Middle and Perry Middle School sites remain. As of now, there is still room at the high school for PE 9 during the 2nd session. PE 11 is currently still open for both sessions, but again, it seems to be filling up faster than normal.

If you failed a class during the 1st semester, you need to discuss signing up for summer school with your parents. The success rates for students who take summer school is very strong because you are only asked to focus on one subject at a time and it is a more relaxed environment.

This year summer school will be held at Thomas Worthington High School and most courses cost around $200. (Students on the free and reduced lunch program are allowed to attend for $50.)

If you have lost your summer school registration brochure, please stop in the Counseling Center and ask one of the secretaries for a new brochure.

Perhaps I will see you tomorrow... or not if we end up with a snow day. :-) I know lots of you are hoping for no school in the morning. We'll see what happens.

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