Sunday, February 17, 2008

Introducing Justin...

As you likely recall, two years ago I went on an educator's conference to Parris Island to learn about the Marine Corps. While there I had a chance to meet a few of the young men working to become Marines. Justin Jones was one of those individuals. Justin has been stationed in Hawaii and today I received an e-mail from his mom letting me know that he deployed to Iraq about a month ago and will be there through September or October. While in Iraq it is challenging to deal with feeling homesick so it is helpful to give any glimpses of home. I am going to put together a care package to send to Justin and would love it if you want to jot down a quick note that I can include with the package I send to him. You can drop your note off to me at school and I will be sure it gets mailed to him. Thanks for helping to brighten Justin's day!

(FYI: In the picture above Justin is the Marine on the left closer to me and he is also pictured to the left.)

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