Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

I hope that you enjoyed your day off today! I am feeling a ton better, but still slept most of the day away. Oh well, at least I had the luxury of having that as an option. I ventured back to school yesterday because of the parent/ teacher conferences and saw the multiple messages wishing for candy. :-) And, of course, the side notes that you missed me too. Ha! I always knew the candy was a hit. Now everyone else realizes that is the only reason students stop by my office. :-) Just kidding. Thanks to everyone who left notes on my board. I missed you too.

I didn't have a chance to post a message last night after conferences, but yesterday was a significant day for our family. It was my grandmother's 85th birthday. My grandmother is quite a lady - she loves to shop and is full of spunk. We celebrated last weekend when everyone was in town and her friends took her to lunch today and then they had cake at the nursing home with my grandfather which made him happy. A random story for you, I call my grandmother, "Mugga." I don't know why exactly, but that is her name. Evidently when I was a baby I couldn't say grandma and I started calling her Mugga and they (my parents and grandparents) all liked it so it stuck. So, while I know she will never be on my blog to see this message - Happy Birthday Mugga! :-) This isn't the greatest picture of her, but it is my most recent one - she looks pretty good for 85, don't you think??

Enjoy your weekend!

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