Saturday, January 26, 2008

Report Cards

As you know, report cards were distributed yesterday during school. Were you happy with your grades or were you disappointed by them? I think that my glance through student grades said that there are probably many of you on both ends of the spectrum. For those of you who didn't end up earning the grades you had hoped for, I am curious about what you are planning to do to change the outcome for 2nd semester. Getting organized, studying, *actually* reading the books, not procrastinating, getting help from the Academic Assistants in Room 209, talking to your teacher for extra help, and doing your homework are probably the most common answers and can all be great plans, but sometimes students don't really know HOW to study or need help getting organized. Stop by and let me know if you are having a tough time turning things around (and do it NOW - before you have to work yourself out of a hole because, remember, you start fresh each semester!) If you have tried new strategies that have really helped you in a class I would LOVE to hear your suggestions and feedback as I may be able to share that idea with another student and help him/ her onto a path for success.

Enjoy your weekend - there are lots of sporting events taking place this weekend - I think every winter sport is in action - so good luck Wolves!

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