Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Pictures... Because I Can

I am "done" with my USAFA updates, but as I looked through my pictures there were some things that I had wanted to share and hadn't... so... I decided I should share them.

This picture is me at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

The Prep School at the USAFA is something I didn't really talk about on the blog (because all we did was drive past it), but the reality is that for many students the prep school is a one year transition into the USAFA.

There were two other things that I forgot to talk about when blogging over the last week.

The first was in the chapel. I thought it was interesting that the 2nd pew in the
chapel is roped off and there is a candle lit in the center of the row as a way to honor of all prisoners of war and those listed as missing in action. No matter how many people are trying to squeeze into the chapel that pew remains a standing and impressive tribute.

The second component that I didn't point out was the fact that the cadets live in their dorms as a squadron - which is a combination of males and females. Each squadron has their own logo and you can see them on the cadet jackets as well as in the dorms.

I was also excited today because I received a note from James Johnson, the cadet who I blogged about yesterday. He had found my blog and the video clips through a friend. (Yes, I know, it doesn't take much to make me happy.)

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