Monday, December 10, 2007

Kilbourne News and Notes

The server is STILL down! I can't believe it. Today was very frustrating from a work production perspective because I wasn't able to access any computer files, view or respond to e-mails, or check schedules. I tried to log on again a few moments ago, but still no luck. Hopefully they are working all night to figure out what is going on with the computer system. It is shocking at how dependent we are on the computers for everything we do each day. So, if you have sent me an e-mail, please know that I am not ignoring you, but I do not have access to your message.

Due to last Friday's (wonderful) 2 hour delay, the Socratic Society ceremony was unable to be held at it's scheduled time. They told us today that the ceremony is rescheduled for this Friday, December 14th, at 7:30am in the auditorium. I believe e-mail announcements will be sent out as soon as the e-mail is back up, but I wanted to let you know as quickly as I could.

Tomorrow night Kilbourne takes on Scioto in Boys Basketball and there is also a band concert. Good luck to all of you!

I have several more video clips that I want to upload for my USAFA Day 3 blog so that will have to wait until tomorrow. :-)

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